Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Learning at AEON is not like at other schools. Our interdisciplinary academic program unites students in shared intellectual experiences through deep reading, creative problem solving, mathematical thinking, and practical application. Through our innovative core curriculum, students grapple with issues critical to shaping our past, present, and future. We focus on learning that is both rigorous and relevant, creating an environment where distinguished faculty and ambitious students pursue academic excellence together.

Great Works

a view of Great Works projects online at AEON School

The cornerstone of an AEON education is Great Works, a revolutionary core curriculum which students enroll in at every grade level, PK-12. Interdisciplinary in its approach, Great Works teaches students to make connections across disciplines, cultures and intellectual traditions, combining coursework in English, social studies, science and arts into a fully integrated learning experience. Students read a common set of Great Books—spanning literature, science, mathematics, philosophy, art, political science and economics—in their entirety, analyzing and debating them with their peers. Students also undertake interdisciplinary projects that connect their learning to important issues in their local communities, the communities of their peers, and the world. More than a set of courses, Great Works unites our global community through shared reading and applied learning.

Math Inquiry

a student writes on a tablet while working on an AEON School math notebook

AEON School offers a problem-based mathematics curriculum modeled on materials developed at Phillips Exeter Academy. This inquiry-driven approach fosters collaboration and sophisticated thinking by teaching students to approach experimentation and problem solving holistically, seeking not just answers but deep understanding of the principles and processes that lead to them. Starting in middle school, students who demonstrate exceptional mathematical talent may apply to our highly selective Institute for Advanced Mathematics.

Global Passport

a student takes notes in a paper notebook while sitting in a video call on her laptop

Learning languages broadens our understanding of the world we live in. In line with the approach of Great Works and Math Inquiry, which emphasizes learning through practical application, Global Passport is a task-based language curriculum combining project-based learning with authentic practice. This approach accelerates a student’s ability to communicate comfortably and confidently in their target language and connects learners to the people, cultures and histories that make up global civilization. Students can choose to study Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish, starting in middle school.

Dive Deeper

See details about our curriculum and see how students go on to great outcomes with the help of university counseling.